Prof. Dr. Günther Singer, MBA
Dr. Günther Singer specializes in career coaching, human resource management, and the development of organizations.
As a business coach, he supports decision-makers, designs change processes, and accompanies their implementation. He lectures at universities and business schools.
He supports companies and organizations as an advisory board member.
Prof. Singer is a co-author of the Karriere Handbuch für Interim Manager and a keynote speaker.
CEO of Life and Career Design Consulting GmbH and the owner of ChangeStrategy Consulting.
Higher Education
Professor - SBS Swiss Business School
Dean of the Future Academy - Diplomatic Council
Lecturer at the Danube University Krems - Human Resource Management
Lecturer at the Škoda Auto University - Career Management and Corporate Governance
Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt - Negotiation Skills
Career -Positions
CEO, Advisory Board Member, Academic Director, Dean, Senior Researcher, Sales Manager, and Head of Quality Education.
Diplomatic Council - UN-registered think tank
Education - Qualification
Doctoral Degree in Comparative Education; Studied Psychology, Philosophy, and Education at the University of Klagenfurt and the University of Salzburg. Executive MBA California State University Hayward (California State University East Bay); Postgraduate Certificate in Organizational Development; Chartered Business Consultant; Chartered Career Coach; Mentor and Evaluator Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP), Certified Consultant ACBSP, Zertifizierter Aufsichtsrat und Beirat (Steinbeis Augsburg Business School).
Languages English and German
Passionate Photographer
Instagram @guenthersinger